Mittelrhein Riesling Charta (Middle Rhine Riesling Charter)
The Middle Rhine valley is a unique cultural landscape. A romantic valley with steep vineyards, partly classified as UNESCO world heritage. Our aim is to protect our cultural heritage in a sustainable way and to shape it culturally, socially and economically for future generations. All while putting individual interests behind in order to focus on a common strategy as a united Middle Rhine with a value added for all people and businesses from the Middle Rhine valley.
- We are stronger together
- Wine growing is our lifeblood
- We protect our cultural landscape
- We produce premium Riesling
- We protect and shape the romantic Rhine valley
- Middle Rhine is our heartbeat
Middle Rhine - Dedicated to Riesling
The MRC has decided on seven criteria that make for their true Riesling:
- Accomplished Riesling
- Interaction of the elements
- R(h)einer Wein (note: a pun - rein = pure, Rhein = Rhine; i.e. pure/Rhine wine)
- Exclusive growing area
- Domain-bottled
- Profile wines
- Protecting the world heritage
The three Charta Wines:
Handstreich (coup de main) - Felsenspiel (rock art) - Meisterstück (master piece)
You can find detailed information on the Middle Rhine Riesling Charter, its wines, members and events via this link (in German only).