Burg Ehrenfels | © Marlies Steinmetz

00:00 - 23:59

Ruin Ehrenfels

Ruine Ehrenfels, 65385 Rüdesheim am Rhein

Ehrenfels Ruin is idyllically situated in the midst of the vineyards between Rüdesheim and Assmannshausen.

The complex, constructed at the beginning of the 13th century by order of the Archbishop of Mainz Siegfried II von Eppstein, bears the typical features of late mediaeval castle architecture, whereby the dimensions of the shield walls and flanking towers stand out. The wall soars around 20 metres into the air, while the flanking round towers measure a proud 33 metres. Today’s ruin is famous for having held the Cathedral Treasures of Mainz in 1374 as well as the election of the Archbishop of Mainz, Konrad II. Together with the so-called “Mouse Tower”, Ehrenfels Castle formed an important ensemble of toll buildings and served to control Rhine navigation at “Binger Loch”. In the course of the Palatine War of Succession in 1689, the striking shield wall castle was finally destroyed. Today, the ruin of the twin-towered complex can be visited from the outside; the Rheinsteig trail runs not far from the complex.

Ruin Ehrenfels

From 07.05.2024 until the 31.12.2031

Opening hours:
Monday: 00:00 - 23:59
Tuesday: 00:00 - 23:59
Wednesday: 00:00 - 23:59
Thursday: 00:00 - 23:59
Friday: 00:00 - 23:59
Saturday: 00:00 - 23:59
Sunday: 00:00 - 23:59

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65385 Rüdesheim am Rhein Ruine Ehrenfels
Ruine Ehrenfels
Ruine Ehrenfels
65385 Rüdesheim am Rhein

Phone: +49 6722 906150
E-mail: info@schloesser.hessen.de
Web: https://www.schloesser-hessen.de

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