Kapuzienerplatz 1 | © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH / Dominik Ketz

Kapuzinerplatz & Ehrenbreitstein Church

Kapuzinerplatz 134, 56077 Koblenz-Ehrenbreitstein

On the initiative of the Elector of Trier, Philip Christoph von Sötern, a monastery was established in the valley of Ehrenbreitsteiner in 1627.

The monastery facilities were completed in 1629, and the church was consecrated to St. Francis in 1657. In the tradition of the Capuchin monastic doctrine, the architectural design of the buildings is very simple compared to neighbouring baroque buildings, with the exception of the large baroque altar by Johannes Seiz in the church hall, which, like many other sacred objects, was a donation from the respective reigning electors. In 1813, like many others in Napoleonic territories, the monastery was secularised and most of the buildings demolished. From Prussian state ownership, the complex reverted to the Capuchins in 1861, but in 2008 the last Capuchins moved out. The monastery, rich in tradition, became a branch of the Teutonic Order in 2013. The church has been the parish church of Ehrenbreitstein since 2010 and as such has taken over the function of the now closed Kreuzkirche in the "Kirchengemeindeverband Koblenz Rechte Rheinseite" of the Koblenz deanery.

Kapuzienerplatz 1 | © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH / Dominik Ketz
Kapuzienerplatz | © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH / Dominik Ketz

Kapuzinerplatz & Ehrenbreitstein Church

From 19.01.2022 until the 19.01.2029

Opening hours:

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56077 Koblenz-Ehrenbreitstein Kapuzinerplatz 134
Kapuzinerplatz 134
56077 Koblenz-Ehrenbreitstein

Phone: +49 (0) 261-129-1610
E-mail: info@koblenz-touristik.de
Web: https://www.visit-koblenz.de/

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