Günderode FIlmhaus | © Günderode Filmhaus

12:00 - 18:00

Günderrodehaus (Heimat 3)

Siebenjungfrauenblick, 55430 Oberwesel

The house offers one of the most beautiful views above Oberwesel.

The house seen in the "Heimat 3" film offers one of the lovliest views over Oberwesel. The name is based on a story created by Edgar Reitz.

Günderrodehaus (Heimat 3)

From26.03.2024 until the 31.10.2024

Opening hours:
Wednesday: 12:00Clock to 18:00Clock
Thursday: 12:00Clock to 18:00Clock
Friday: 12:00Clock to 18:00Clock
Saturday: 12:00Clock to 18:00Clock
Sunday: 12:00Clock to 18:00Clock

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55430 Oberwesel Siebenjungfrauenblick
Günderrode Filmhaus
55430 Oberwesel

Phone: (0049)6744-714011
E-mail: info@guenderodefilmhaus.de
Web: http://www.guenderodefilmhaus.de

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