Edelobstbrennerei Reuter
Siebenborn 42, 56321 Brey
Visit us during your hike!
In beautiful nature, with a view of the Marksburg, you will find our fruit distillery, run by the third generation. The business has been newly established in recent years. The selection of drinks is extensive.
Our motto is: Quality and variety.
You can reach us by car: coming from the B9, take the Spay exit, and follow the K78 towards Siebenborn/Jakobsberg.
At the intersection of the Traumpfad Rheingoldbogen and the Traumpfädchen Spayer Blick insTal 208 m (NN), location No. 07137_004_21, UTM 405505/5568573, there is a beverage stand with alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
Open on Sundays and public holidays, during dry weather.